Born to be Broken

Born to be Broken Addison Cain


Born to be Broken

Alpha's Claim #2

Claire has a score to settle.

Unwilling mate to the brute who viciously conquered her city, she has once again escaped from her Alpha. Hardened by betrayal, cold as the ice outside the Dome, Claire becomes the mission. The Omegas must be freed, no matter the cost.

The price on her head will not deter her; after all, mated and subjugated her life no longer retains value. She can’t eat, she can’t sleep, and she’s running out of time before the inevitable end.

For once, Shepherd finds himself facing an adversary he cannot simply crush, the situation far out of his depth. Desperate to draw his mate back, racked and restless, he is forced to acknowledge that his pregnant Omega is willing to sacrifice her life for her false notion of a greater good.

He holds the key to her compliance and his dying mate’s survival—all he must do is give her exactly what she wants.

Born to be Broken is the second book in Addison Cain's bestselling Alpha's Claim trilogy, an unabashedly dark tale with explicit sexual themes and complete power exchange. If you enjoy gritty fiction and suspense that sticks long after you've finished reading, this series is not to be missed.

Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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Born to be Broken


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Resenhas para Born to be Broken (1)

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Não sei se gostei dele tanto quanto do primeiro livro
on 26/8/23

Não sei se gostei tanto quanto do primeiro, mas é um bom livro e segue a mesma linha. É um livro que foca mais na individualidade dos personagens que na relação romântica, tem muito foco na relação de Claire e Shepherd, mas vemos um desenvolvimento individual deles. A Claire é simplesmente incrível, que mulher doce e humana em uma mundo de escuridão e maldade, todas as tentativas dela de salvar pessoas ou melhorar situações fazem dela uma mulher admirável! Ela não merece tudo o que el... leia mais


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