Blame It on the Pain

Blame It on the Pain Ashley Jade


Blame It on the Pain

My name is Jackson Reid. There are two things you need to know about me. The first—is that I'm in love with Alyssa Tanner. 
The second is—I'm a murderer.

Blame It on the Pain is a Full-length standalone. No cliffhanger.

Pain. It hurts us. It pushes us. It punishes us.
Or, for the few poor souls out there like defines us.
I'm not a good person.
There are no redeeming qualities about me...not anymore.
Any that I had, I'd given to the devil on the night that changed everything.
The night my baby sister died.
The night I murdered her killer.
Yes, I've taken a life...and I would do it again in a heartbeat.
And I would never, ever, have an ounce of regret for being who I am.
Until her.

My name is Jackson Reid. There are two things you need to know about me. The first—is that I'm in love with Alyssa Tanner. The second—is that I'm a murderer.

My name is Alyssa Tanner, but you probably know me as the whore who caused her step-father to lose the election for New York City Mayor.
And you would be right—because the day the world branded me a slut I decided to become one.
You think you know all there is to know about me because you've seen what I look like naked.
Believe me, you haven't even cracked the surface.
What you don't know—is my past, because I've been forced to keep it a secret to ensure my safety.
What you don't know is my pain.
Because if you did—you'd be dead.

I bet you think you know how this story will unfold...but trust me, you really have no idea.

Warning: Due to strong language, some violence, explicit sexual content, and some dark elements, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.

This is a full-length, novel. (100,000+ words.)

Crime / Romance

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Blame It on the Pain


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18/03/2019 16:30:25

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