Binti: The Complete Trilogy

Binti: The Complete Trilogy Nnedi Okorafor


Binti: The Complete Trilogy

Includes a brand-new Binti story!

Collected for the first time in an omnibus edition, the Hugo- and Nebula-award-winning Binti trilogy, the story of one extraordinary girl's journey from her home to distant Oomza University.

In her Hugo- and Nebula-winning novella, Nnedi Okorafor introduced us to Binti, a young Himba girl with the chance of a lifetime: to attend the prestigious Oomza University. Despite her family's concerns, Binti's talent for mathematics and her aptitude with astrolabes make her a prime candidate to undertake this interstellar journey.

But everything changes when the jellyfish-like Medusae attack Binti's spaceship, leaving her the only survivor. Now, Binti must fend for herself, alone on a ship full of the beings who murdered her crew, with five days until she reaches her destination.

There is more to the history of the Medusae--and their war with the Khoush--than first meets the eye. If Binti is to survive this voyage and save the inhabitants of the unsuspecting planet that houses Oomza Uni, it will take all of her knowledge and talents to broker the peace.

Collected now for the first time in omnibus form, follow Binti's story in this groundbreaking sci-fi trilogy.

Drama / Ficção científica / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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Binti: The Complete Trilogy


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Resenhas para Binti: The Complete Trilogy (1)

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O Terceiro livro foi o melhor...
on 17/8/20

Em experiência geral achei um livro bom, a experiência da BINTI em sair da terra dela e se aventurar em outros lugares através do estudo foi muito interessante, e ver que nem todo mundo é aberto a aceitar pessoas com etnias e culturas diferentes. Gostei dos dois primeiros livros e como falei gostei mais do terceiro, já o livro extra ficou muito repetitivo pra mim, o primeiro capítulo até que tem um gancho legal, mas depois é só choro e parece que a personagem da trilogia tinha sumido.... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 6
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João Vicente
cadastrou em:
24/01/2019 01:53:54
Roberto Padilha
editou em:
26/07/2020 11:34:41

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