Bind Me in Steel

Bind Me in Steel BEAST


Bind Me in Steel #1

An MM Post-Apocalyptic Alpha/Omega MPREG Shifter Romance

The day the dark stranger came was the day Wren Striker’s pack was destroyed.

All his life, Wren has known only his clan. His place. His service to his lord. Young, vulnerable, sheltered within one of the last fortresses held by wolves in a ruined, drowning world, Wren was raised to know only one thing:

As an omega, he was born to be his alpha’s mate.

But when the alpha of his pack challenges a stranger trespassing on their lands, a devastating loss to the mysterious, soft-spoken brute of a wolf leaves their pack shattered and without a leader. Yet when the dark stranger demands not dominance, but Wren himself as his price and his prize, Wren finds himself torn from the wolf-eat-wolf world he’s always known to become one half of a pack of two with no home but the wandering road and open sky.

The strange man known as Ero Wake claims he isn’t an alpha. Isn’t a leader. Isn’t anything but a lone wolf finding a way to survive in a broken world, where dryads and werewolves war for space with humans and halflings; where blood frenzies turn man into beast and beast into monster; where the Echo’s subliminal whispers seek out the unwary and lure them north, to a centuries-old Disc waiting with its eldritch songs that broke the world. But Ero knows more than he lets on, secrets as old as the end of the Earth, and something about the strength beneath his silence calls to every primal thing buried inside Wren.

It’s animal. It’s instinctive. It’s a need deeper than blood, a craving to belong to Ero and Ero alone. Every day with the much older wolf stokes the mating heat in Wren’s blood higher—yet for Ero, the risk of mating with Wren is too dangerous. Too frightening, when losing control of himself could unleash a beast more feral than any the world has ever seen. Half broken, touched by the Echo, Ero isn’t like any wolf Wren has ever met.

But if Ero isn’t careful…he’ll find himself tamed and bending to Wren’s delicate touch, both his heart and his wildness bound up in steel.

Fantasia / Ficção / LGBT / GLS / Romance

Edições (1)

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Bind Me in Steel


Resenhas para Bind Me in Steel (3)

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on 4/8/23

Bind me steel vai contar de uma história futurística, onde fica subtendido que alguma coisa muito apocalíptica aconteceu a um século atrás que fez grande parte da população virarem "lobisomens". A maior parte da humanidade pereceu com a chegada do Discfall, que a história não explica o que é, só fala que, semelhante a uma nave alienígena, pousou na terra e se instalou o caos, além de que, o nível do mar aumentou engolindo cidades e civilizações inteiras, e a terra, que atualmente já ... leia mais


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Avaliações 2.8 / 11
ranking 0
ranking 27
ranking 45
ranking 18
ranking 9



cadastrou em:
26/06/2023 22:21:45
editou em:
26/06/2023 22:22:11

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