Before We Say Goodbye

Before We Say Goodbye Toshikazu Kawaguchi


Before We Say Goodbye (Before The Coffee Gets Cole #4)

Before The Coffee Gets Cold #4

The regulars at the magical Cafe Funiculi Funicula are well acquainted with its famous legend and extraordinary, secret menu time travel offering. Many patrons have reunited with old flames, made amends with estranged family, and visited loved ones. But the journey is not without risks and there are rules to follow. Travellers must have visited the cafe previously and most importantly, must return to the present in the time it takes for their coffee to go cold.

In the tradition of Toshikazu Kawaguchi’s sensational 'Before the Coffee Gets Cold' series, readers will once again be introduced to a new set of visitors:

The husband with something important left to say
The woman who couldn’t bid her dog farewell
The woman who couldn’t answer a proposal
The daughter who drove her father away . . .

In the hauntingly beautiful Before we say goodbye, Kawaguchi invites us to join his characters as they embark on a journey to revisit one crucial moment in time.

Entretenimento / Ficção / Línguas Estrangeiras

Edições (1)

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Before We Say Goodbye


Resenhas para Before We Say Goodbye (5)

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Antes que eu esqueça de fazer uma resenha.
on 10/2/24

Esse quarto livro segue a mesma ideia dos anteriores e temos quatro histórias distintas, há porém alguma pequena relação com personagens de livros anteriores, ainda que só por motivo de indicação da cafeteria com a viagem no tempo. Os contos: o professor que precisava rever a esposa que após um acidente ficou catatônica; a mãe de pet, que foi a história que menos gostei; a guria da proposta de casamento; e por fim... a filha rebelde, que pra mim foi a história mais tocante. Tev... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 19
ranking 26
ranking 68
ranking 5
ranking 0
ranking 0



luh lantsov
cadastrou em:
06/04/2023 00:51:37
luh lantsov
editou em:
06/04/2023 00:51:58

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