Becoming the Dark Prince

Becoming the Dark Prince Kerri Maniscalco


Becoming the Dark Prince (Stalking Jack the Ripper #3.5)

Stalking Jack The Ripper #3.5

In this irresistibly-priced short story, catch a glimpse of the inner struggles and triumphs that drive Stalking Jack the Ripper's endearing but troubled hero.

Enigmatic, brooding, and darkly handsome, Thomas Cresswell has always been the one mystery Audrey Rose has never been able to fully solve. As brilliant partners in crime investigation, they understand each other perfectly...but as young lovers, their passionate natures have led to both euphoria and heartbreak throughout the Stalking Jack the Ripper series.

This novella features a collection of scenes that takes place during and after the pair's horrifying Atlantic voyage in Escaping From Houdini. Experience new and familiar scenes from Thomas's unique point of view, including an intensely personal look into his plea for Audrey Rose's hand in marriage.

With a romance for the ages, Audrey Rose and Thomas reach the conclusion to their epic, irresistible partnership in their final adventure, Capturing the Devil.

Jovem adulto / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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Becoming the Dark Prince


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?i want our passion to ignite the world around us...?
on 17/1/22

Adorei ler alguns dos momentos de ?o grande houdini? pela perspectiva de Thomas. A forma com a qual a autora explora os sentimentos dele pela Audrey, como ele a vê em relação a si mesmo e ao mundo fizeram os livros anteriores terem um significado ainda maior para mim. Além de nos mostrar mais sobre seus próprios demônios internos. ?? I love you, Thomas. ? Of course, you do. I?m the tall, dark, hero of your dreams, remember? ? I pressed my lips to her temple and drew her into the circ... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.3 / 335
ranking 57
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cadastrou em:
12/07/2019 20:01:49
luh lantsov
editou em:
17/01/2023 02:30:19

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