Beasts of Burden - Wise Dogs and Eldritch Men

Beasts of Burden - Wise Dogs and Eldritch Men Evan Dorkin...


Beasts of Burden - Wise Dogs and Eldritch Men

Wise Dogs and Eldritch Men

This eight-time Eisner Award-winning comic book series blending fantasy and humor features the adventures of paranormal pets investigating the horrors of Burden Hill.

A heroic pack of canines known as the Wise Dogs sets off on a mission to clean up a Pennsylvania corridor plagued by seemingly unrelated occult disturbances that include a fire salamander and a horde of mutant lurkers. A link is found among the various disturbances, leading our heroes to a mountain village inhabited by a survivalist witch-cult who have discovered the existence of a "Blood Lure" attracting occult forces, creatures, and many more terrors to Burden Hill!

Award-winning comics creators Evan Dorkin (Milk & Cheese) and Ben Dewey (The Autumnlands) come together to share the lives of some unlikely heroes.

This volume collects the comic-book series Beasts of Burden: Wise Dogs and Eldritch Men issues #1-4, published by Dark Horse Comics.

Drama / Fantasia / Ficção / HQ, comics, mangá / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (2)

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Beasts of Burden - Wise Dogs and Eldritch Men
Beasts of Burden, vol.3


(2) ver mais
Beasts of Burden, Vol. 1
Beasts of Burden, Vol. 2

Resenhas para Beasts of Burden - Wise Dogs and Eldritch Men (26)

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Beasts of Burden - Cãos sábios e homens nefastos ??
on 28/5/22

Sou fã da Jill Thompson por tudo que ela fez em Sandman e até hj sou apaixonada pela coloração e desenho dela, foi assim que eu conheci há algum tempo Beasts of Burden e aos poucos fui lendo os quadrinhos. Infelizmente essa edição eu achei o roteiro um pouco maçante, mesmo havendo algumas surpresas. O que mais faz o leitor continuar a leitura são os personagens (doguinhos) engraçados e fofos, mas nada tão interessante além da adição de uma salamandra muito da poderosa ? A arte conti... leia mais


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João Vicente
cadastrou em:
28/11/2018 12:54:24
João Vicente
editou em:
30/03/2019 12:27:56