Beast in the Cage

Beast in the Cage Tammy Walsh


Beast in the Cage (Fated Mates of Breeder Prison #1)

A Scifi Alien Romance

What happens when an alien slave master gets greedy?

After being thrown into cages to pleasure brutal alien fighters, I’m broken—a mere shell of who I used to be.

I’ll be used and forced to do the monsters’ bidding, it’s too much to expect a male to watch over me.

Then the Beast claims me.

When he touches me, I yearn for more.
When he kisses me, I surrender in gratitude.
When he undresses me, I ache to scream his name.
And when he makes me fly, I soar higher than ever before.

But there’s a problem. In exchange for my release, I’ve already made a deal with the warden to get impregnated with the Beast’s baby. How can he love me when I’m betraying his deepest wishes?

Beast in the Cage is a full-length, standalone alien sci-fi romance. It features a possessive, alpha alien in intense, steamy scenes with his human mate. There are no cliffhangers or cheating, and a happily ever after is guaranteed!

Fábula / Fantasia / Ficção / Ficção científica / Romance

Edições (1)

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Beast in the Cage


Resenhas para Beast in the Cage (4)

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on 23/10/21

O livro conseguiu ser um tanto fofo e bonitinho, mas kkkk cada pérola. Gente, os aliens se comportavam, falavam e pensavam como humanos? Fora a protagonista lendo no exame na língua dela, bravo inglês é universal kkkj Pior, a mulher sentindo chute e o cara a mão do bebê em 1 dia de gravidez? Tá tudo certo aí, amiga??? Teve clichê de que nada é maior que a força do amor? Sim e quase vomitei. Se pensa q não pode melhorar, ele melhora. O vilão parecia as trix enfrentando as winx, deix... leia mais


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Avaliações 2.7 / 25
ranking 8
ranking 16
ranking 40
ranking 24
ranking 12



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cadastrou em:
21/09/2021 10:08:32
Minhas leituras
editou em:
21/09/2021 10:09:21

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