Batman: Earth One Vol. 3

Batman: Earth One Vol. 3


Batman: Earth One Vol. 3

Harvey Dent is dead. Or is he?

A gang of thieves thrusts Gotham City into a state of fear when they are mysteriously well-armed with military-grade weapons: flamethrowers, grenade launchers, and even tanks.

And this gang claims it is funded by none other than former district attorney Harvey Dent.

Balancing his two lives, Bruce Wayne must find the truth by tapping his growing network of agents, including Alfred Pennyworth, Jim Gordon, Waylon "Killer Croc" Jones, and the savvy new Catwoman.

Bruce is distracted by the seemingly impossible return of another figure believed dead: his grandfather Adrian Arkham. He must also comfort his longtime friend, Gotham City mayor Jessica Dent, who is scarred both physically and mentally from her experience with the Riddler, which resulted in the gruesome death of her brother.

But is Harvey back, plotting revenge on a city he proclaims to be guilty?

When Batman discovers the truth behind these many mysteries, his entire world unravels...

Batman: Earth One Vol. 3 is written by Geoff Johns with art by Gary Frank, Jon Sibal and Brad Anderson.

Aventura / Crime / HQ, comics, mangá / Línguas Estrangeiras

Edições (1)

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Batman: Earth One Vol. 3


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Resenhas para Batman: Earth One Vol. 3 (1)

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Aquele em que o Crocodilo é o meu personagem favorito.
on 12/3/22

Espero que não seja o fim dessa saga que soube recriar o universo do Batman com maestria, diferente de Mulher Maravilha (aquela aberração). Ouso dizer que muitas coisas dessa terra são infinitamente mais interessantes que a Terra regular e eu espero que o 3° não seja o último volume. O desafio de ler em uma língua que eu não domino foi proporcional ao tanto que eu curti essa experiência. Não dá pra falar muito sem dar spoiler e o legal dessa história é justamente você ler sem saber ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
23/04/2021 23:03:49
editou em:
23/04/2021 23:04:20

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