
Azula Seven Rue



**This book is only available on Seven Rue's website

Being loved by a man was one of the best feelings in the world.
But being loved by five at once was even better, no matter how fucked up that love was.
Growing up in a trailer park always made me feel different, and the stares and laughs from people who thought my family and home were strange never bothered me.
I was happy, but even the happiest people took things too far sometimes, ignoring their limits and not seeing all the red flags lighting up around them.
My own happiness slowly broke me as I let those five men show me how much they adored me.
I let them destroy me in the best way possible, and ruin me internally simultaneously.
When I reached my lowest point and exhaustion took over my body, I didn’t think there’d be a way back to the girl I was before.
Never had I thought the five men who ruined me would end up being the ones saving me.

Trigger Warning
This book includes incest.
Meaning that the main character is related to the five men she has sex with, which are her dad, uncle, two brothers, and cousin. Yes, full-on blood-related, and if this is something that triggers you, do NOT read this.
If you do choose to go ahead and read this book while knowing that you won’t like it, I am not responsible for whatever you end up feeling.
If you’re open-minded and want to experience fiction differently, enjoy!

Sexual scenes in this book contain:
Watersports (piss play), dominance, group sex, voyeurism, slapping and spanking, anal, double penetration


Edições (1)

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"E no final, ser feliz era o que mais importava."
on 14/12/22

"Se eu estava feliz e contente com minha vida, o julgamento de ninguém importava." E pesado, e problemático mais eu pensei que seria pior , eu gostei um pouco , mudaria algumas coisa principalmente quem e o pai da criança . Mais não e ruim não porém só indico pra quem tem estômago kkk " antes de ler o livro preste bastante atenção nos gatilhos". "Eu tinha cinco homens incríveis que me amavam, que me mostravam todos os dias como eram bons para minha filha e que estariam para sempre ao... leia mais


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ranking 22
ranking 33



cadastrou em:
17/03/2022 00:18:27
editou em:
03/05/2022 12:50:28

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