Ascensão e declínio do Estado

Ascensão e declínio do Estado Martin Van Creveld


Ascensão e declínio do Estado

The Rise and Decline of the State

O Estado, que desde meados do século XVII é a mais importante e a mais característica das instituições modernas, está em declínio. Da Europa ocidental à África, muitos Estados estão se fundindo em comunidades maiores ou desmoronando. Muitas de suas funções estão passando às mãos de uma série de instituições que, seja qual for sua natureza exata, não são Estados. Neste volume, Martin van Creveld narra a história do Estado, desde seus primórdios até o presente. Partindo das mais simples instituições políticas que já existiram, ele mostra ao leitor as origens do Estado, seu desenvolvimento, sua apoteose durante as duas guerras mundiais e sua difusão, do berço na Europa ocidental a todo o planeta.

[The Rise and Decline of the State by Martin L. Van Creveld -- "The state, which since the middle of the seventeenth century has been the most important of all modern institutions, is in decline. From Western Europe to Africa, many existing states are either combining into larger communities or falling apart. Many of their functions are likely to be taken over by a variety of organizations that, whatever their precise nature, are not states. In this unique volume Martin van Creveld traces the story of the state from its beginnings to its end. Starting with the simplest political organizations that ever existed, he guides the reader through the origins of the state, its development, its apotheosis during the two World Wars, and its spread from its original home in Western Europe to cover the globe. In doing so, he provides a fascinating history of government from its origins to the present day. This original book will of interest to historians, political scientists and sociologists'.'

[Editorial Reviews]: "...this study offers two major scholarly contributions. First, the state is regarded as "merely one of the forms" the organization of government has assumed; therefore it is not eternal. Second, Van Creveld points out that development and spread of new institutions--"abstract organizations" in the author's words--since a quarter of century ago have started to take over some of the state functions..." -- X. Hu, Social and Behavioral Sciences

"Martin Van Creveld provides an insightful history of the state and the most lucid analysis to date of the contemporary challenges it faces...This is an important book." -- Peter Schwartz, Whole Earth

"This is a book which many more should read than will, such as anyone teaching 'Western Civilization' or 'Modern Europe', anyone interested in intellectual history, or anyone simply interested in the political condition of the modern world." --Richard A. Oehling, H-Net

"'The Rise and Decline of the State'--a tight display of erudition counterpointed by occasional heavy-handed attempts at humor--makes the case." --Washington Times

"Van Creveld's latest study is an important and wide-ranging scholarly work, in addition to being both beautifully written and a thoroughly engaging reading. It is crucial reading not only for students of military and political history, but also for those of Western utopian literature, since it clearly highlights throughout the links between fact and fiction. Besides its value to academics, this expansive and interesting review of the evolution of the nation-state worthwhile and enjoyable reading for anyone with an interest in political science and history." --UTOPIAN STUDIES

"This study is not only brilliant history; it is insightful and brimming with scores of fascinating and plausible hypotheses..." --The Journal of Interdisciplinary History

Edições (2)

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Ascensão e declínio do estado
Ascensão e declínio do Estado


Resenhas para Ascensão e declínio do Estado (1)

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Leitura extraordinariamente essencial
on 15/8/18

Livro de história e ciência política escrito de forma simples e inteligente. Acrescente-se a estas qualidades a postura altamente imparcial do escritor. Dotado de uma capacidade incrível de conhecimento e de um esforço sobre-humano de pesquisa, o autor concentrou nas 603 páginas de informações uma análise completa e interessantíssima acerca do Estado e seu provável declínio enquanto instituição abstrata. O livro é muito atual e suas conclusões refletem toda a concatenação de ideias... leia mais


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06/01/2012 00:49:00
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17/03/2015 21:59:39

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