Antony and Cleopatra

Antony and Cleopatra Adrian Goldsworthy


Antony and Cleopatra

A masterfully told—and deeply human—story of love, politics, and ambition, Adrian Goldsworthy’s Antony and Cleopatra delivers a compelling reassessment of a major episode in ancient history.

In this remarkable dual biography of the two great lovers of the ancient world, Goldsworthy goes beyond myth and romance to create a nuanced and historically acute portrayal of his subjects, set against the political backdrop of their time. A history of lives lived intensely at a time when the world was changing profoundly, the book takes readers on a journey that crosses cultures and boundaries from ancient Greece and ancient Egypt to the Roman Empire.

Drawing on his prodigious knowledge of the ancient world and his keen sense of the period’s military and political history, Goldsworthy creates a singular portrait of the iconic lovers. “Antony and Cleopatra were first and foremost political animals,” explains Goldsworthy, who places politics and ideology at the heart of their storied romance. Undertaking a close analysis of ancient sources and archaeological evidence, Goldsworthy bridges the gaps of current scholarship and dispels misconceptions that have entered the popular consciousness. He explains why Cleopatra was consistently portrayed by Hollywood as an Egyptian, even though she was really Greek, and argues that Antony had far less military experience than anyone would suspect from reading Shakespeare and other literature. Goldsworthy makes an important case for understanding Antony as a powerful Roman senator and political force in his own right.


Edições (1)

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Antony and Cleopatra


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Resenhas para Antony and Cleopatra (1)

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Ouvi no original em inglês, então não sei como a versão em português foi feita
on 3/5/21

Já aviso logo que minha avaliação é do livro na língua original, então não posso falar da tradução para português. Esse é o meu segundo livro do Adrian. O primeiro foi sobre a vida de César. Essa obra ficou um pouco a desejar no sentido que na verdade não se sabe tanto sobre as vidas desses dois indivíduos, especialmente, Cleopatra. Então o autor gasta muito tempo com contextualização e falando de outros personagens. Não que seja ruim, mas achei que o livro poderia ter sido 1/3 mais... leia mais


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05/02/2017 19:50:25

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