Angel Falls

Angel Falls Kristin Hannah


Angel Falls

Kristin Hannah's graceful, dramatic portrayal of love and marriage made her debut hardcover, On Mystic Lake, an acclaimed national best-seller. In Angel Falls, her bold, richly emotional new novel, she tells the story of an ordinary man facing an incredible dilemma: to save his wife's life, he must risk losing her forever. Mikaela Campbell, beloved wife and mother of two, lies in a coma. It is now up to her husband, Liam, to hold the family together, to care for their grieving, frightened children. Doctors have told Liam not to expect a recovery, but he maintains hope that love can accomplish what medical science cannot. Day after day, he sits by her bedside, holding her hand, telling her the stories of their life together. Then he discovers evidence of his wife's secret past -- a long-hidden first marriage to international movie star Julian True. Liam's search leads him to a painful, inescapable truth: Julian was more than simply Mikaela's first husband. He was the love of her life. Mikaela responds to Julian's name; it is only a blink, nothing more, but it convinces Liam that Julian may be the only person who can bring Mikaela back to life. But at what cost? Does Liam love his wife enough to risk losing her to a man no woman can resist? His decision strikes deep into the heart of his family, transforming each of them. For when Mikaela wakens, she is a different woman, changed in a way that no one could have foreseen, and the only thing Liam knows for sure is that nothing in their lives will ever be the same. Angel Falls is storytelling at its very best -- beautifully written, deeply moving, and impossible to put down.

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