And There He Kept Her: A Novel (English Edition)

And There He Kept Her: A Novel (English Edition) Joshua Moehling


And There He Kept Her: A Novel (English Edition)

When two teenagers break into a house on a remote lake in search of prescription drugs, what starts as a simple burglary turns into a nightmare for all involved. Emmett Burr has secrets he's been keeping in his basement for more than two decades, and he'll do anything to keep his past from being revealed. As he gets the upper hand on his tormentors, the lines blur between victim, abuser, and protector.

Personal tragedy has sent former police officer Ben Packard back to the small Minnesota town of Sandy Lake in search of a fresh start. Now a sheriff's deputy, Packard is leading the investigation into the missing teens, motivated by a family connection. As clues dry up and time runs out to save them, Packard is forced to reveal his own secrets and dig deep to uncover the dark past of the place he now calls home.

Unrelentingly suspenseful and written with a piercing gaze into the dark depths of the human soul, And There He Kept Her is a thrilling page-turner that introduces readers to a complicated new hero and forces us to consider the true nature of evil.

Ficção / LGBT / GLS / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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And There He Kept Her: A Novel (English Edition)


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An author to look forward to other novels
on 8/6/22

Joshua Moehling is surely a debut author to look forward to his next works. In And There He Kept Her, the author’s first thriller, Moehling tells a gripping story that will keep readers hooked from the first to the last page. With an abrupt start, we are faced with the breaking and entering perpetrated by Jesse Crawford and Jenny Wheeler, when they are surprised by Emmett Burr, the property owner, with a shotgun and everything just goes from bad to worse, with Jesse being shot and J... leia mais


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02/05/2022 21:44:44

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