An Echo of Things to Come

An Echo of Things to Come James Islington


An Echo of Things to Come (The Licanius Trilogy #2)

In the wake of the devastating attack on Ilin Illan, an amnesty has been declared for all Augurs - finally allowing them to emerge from hiding and openly oppose the dark forces massing against Andarra. However as Davian and his new allies hurry north toward the ever-weakening Boundary, fresh horrors along their path suggest that their reprieve may have come far too late.

In the capital, Wirr is forced to contend with assassins and an increasingly hostile Administration as he controversially assumes the mantle of Northwarden, uncovering a mystery that draws into question everything commonly believed about the rebellion his father led twenty years ago. Meanwhile, Asha begins a secret investigation into the disappearance of the Shadows, determined to discover not only where they went but the origin of the Vessels that created them - and, ultimately, a cure.

And with time against him as he races to fulfill the treacherous bargain with the Lyth, Caeden continues to wrestle with the impossibly heavy burdens of his past. Yet as more and more of his memories return, he begins to realise that the motivations of the two sides in this ancient war may not be as clear-cut as they first seemed...

Fantasia / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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An Echo of Things to Come


(2) ver mais
The Shadow of What Was Lost
The Light of All That Falls

Resenhas para An Echo of Things to Come (3)

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Excelente continuação
on 22/2/20

Esse série é simplesmente fantástica, e já é uma favorita antes mesmo de eu terminar. O primeiro volume, embora tenha apresentado uma excelente e complexa história que me prendeu do inicio ao fim, teve alguns problemas de escrita que me incomodaram um pouco e fez com que eu tirasse 1 estrela da avaliação. Nesse segundo volume , a escrita do autor já melhorou bastante, apresentando poucos vestígios dos problemas que destaquei no livro anterior, mas ainda mantendo um enredo complexo... leia mais


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Lu Oliveira
cadastrou em:
01/03/2017 23:17:22

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