American Gods

American Gods Neil Gaiman


American Gods

Within just a few pages of Neil Gaiman's novel American Gods, he commandingly reveals that he is at his considerable best with this disturbing and dark journey into the hidden soul of America. Gaiman, one of the most talented and imaginative writers at work today, achieved nigh-legendary status with his comic Sandman, which took the genre to heights that even the equally talented Alan Moore had not attained; Gaiman's subsequent career as a novelist has displayed the same glittering inventiveness and exquisite use of language.
Gaiman's protagonist Shadow has patiently done his time in prison. But as the moment of his release approaches, he begins to sense that some unnamed disaster is lying in wait for him. As he makes his way home, he encounters the mysterious Mr Wednesday, who appears to be both a refugee from a distant country at war and the King of America. And perhaps even a god. As Shadow and Mr Wednesday begin a bizarre odyssey across the United States, solving murders is only one of their accomplishments. With an epic storm of supernatural origin brewing, one questions whether they will be destroyed before Shadow pays the price for grim mistakes in his past.

Fantasia / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (17)

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on 3/9/09

Hoje nós vamos fazer meio que palavras cruzadas. Estou aqui com minha cópia de American Gods e Anansi Boys, além de Coisas Fragéis aberto no conto O Monarca do Vale e todos eles estão praticamente cobertos em post-its amarelos, rosa e azuis com pequenas notas explicativas sobre todos os pequenos detalhes mitológicos que eu era capaz de encontrar. Por motivos que ficarão óbvios quando eu terminar este artigo – se é que você ainda não leu as histórias que acabo de citar - American Gods ... leia mais


Avaliações 4.2 / 1.044
ranking 49
ranking 34
ranking 14
ranking 2
ranking 1



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