Alpha Contender Boxed Set

Alpha Contender Boxed Set Terry Bolryder


Alpha Contender Boxed Set

BWWM Paranormal shifter romance BBW

Misty has few expectations from life. Work, read, sleep. But when she hears from a complete stranger that she's actually a powerful, shape-shifting werewolf, her life changes forever.

Lindon believes he already had his shot at love long ago. And lost it. The tall, blond, sexy shifter is now only trying to keep his promise to his father by protecting Misty as she learns about her new place in the world and seeks to find a future mate.

The only problem: she'll be meeting all of her prospective suitors at one time, and in one place. All TEN of them. All hot, single, alpha males competing for her heart.

Author's note! Alpha Contender was originally released as a four-part serial about one BBW finding out she’s a shifter and trying to choose from the ten hot alpha males trying to win her. All parts are bound here together for the first time in a full set at a special price as a thank you to my fans.

Fantasia / Ficção / Romance

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Alpha Contender
on 13/4/22

Livro 1 De cara ja apaixonei pq a protagonista é gente da gente kkkk Nada de corpinho escultural, lindos cabelos ruivos e enormes e profundos olhos verdes... Não... Ela é "curvilínea"... Eu gostei dessa Palavra... Compartilho tb... Muitas curvas no meu corpinho: curva na barriga, curva no pescoço, curva na retaguarda kkkkkkkk E um mocinho quebrado... Um "lindo mocinho alfa quebrado". Ela foi criada no mundo humano... Nem imaginava o que era e o q teria q fazer. Agora, tem q achar... leia mais


Avaliações 3.2 / 34
ranking 6
ranking 34
ranking 49
ranking 11
ranking 0



Daniela D. Oliveira
editou em:
09/07/2021 16:35:25

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