All the Light We Cannot See

All the Light We Cannot See Anthony Doerr


All the Light We Cannot See

Marie-Laure has been blind since the age of six. Her father builds a perfect miniature of their Paris neighbourhood so she can memorize it by touch and navigate her way home. But when the Nazis invade, father and daughter flee with a dangerous secret.

Werner is a German orphan, destined to labour in the same mine that claimed his father's life, until he discovers a knack for engineering. His talent wins him a place at a brutal military academy, but his way out of obscurity is built on suffering.

At the same time, far away in a walled city by the sea, an old man discovers new worlds without ever setting foot outside his home. But all around him, impending danger closes in.

Doerr's combination of soaring imagination and meticulous observation is electric. As Europe is engulfed by war and lives collide unpredictably, 'All The Light We Cannot See' is a captivating and devastating elegy for innocence.

Edições (4)

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All The Light We Cannot See
All the Light We Cannot See
All the Light We Cannot See
All the Light We Cannot See


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Resenhas para All the Light We Cannot See (14)

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on 29/12/22

Esse livro é uma tragédia. Mostra a tragédia de uma guerra sem precedentes, de quantas vítimas são deixadas para trás. Uma perspectiva nova para mim é de como a guerra e a crueldade de líderes destruiu vidas e sonhos de jovens alemães que não tinham escolha e não concordavam com o que estava acontecendo. Talvez minha experiencia tivesse sido mais surpreendente se eu não tivesse recebido um spoiler enorme do final. É lindo ver como a trajetória dos dois personagens principais se cruz... leia mais


Avaliações 4.2 / 163
ranking 51
ranking 28
ranking 18
ranking 2
ranking 1



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03/10/2014 19:57:50

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