All The Glory

All The Glory Elle Casey


All The Glory

How Jason Bradley Went from Hero to Zero in Ten Seconds Flat

Jason Bradley has everything going for him. He's Banner High's first-string varsity wide receiver, headed to another State championship, and the college recruiters are already knocking on his door. His girlfriend is every guy's dream, there's a brand new black Camaro with a 6.2L, V-6 engine parked in his garage, and he's on cruise control.

But when the school's beloved football coach turns up dead and Jason's found standing over the body, his cruise control cuts off bringing his charmed life to a screeching halt, and the reality of being an accused murderer of the first degree takes over.

When everyone else walks away and leaves him to hang, one girl can't. But it's going to take more than guessing and wishing to get through to him and the truth of what happened, since he seems bound and determined to accept his fate as a criminal, tried as an adult and eligible for lethal injection.

Can one really determined girl get to the bottom of the mystery when no one else seems to care? It would be so much easier to watch him go down, and for many, maybe just a little bit too satisfying. After all, who isn't guilty of finding pleasure in seeing that perfect someone suddenly exposed for the self-centered prick that he really is?

Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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All The Glory


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Você teria a coragem de ficar ao lado de alguém a quem todos viraram as costas?
on 1/3/17

Você teria a coragem de ficar ao lado de alguém a quem todos viraram as costas? Essa é a premissa de All The Glory: How Jason Bradley Went from Hero to Zero in Ten Seconds Flat (Tradução livre - Toda da Glória: Como Jason Bradley foi de heroi a ninguém em 10 segundos), da escritora americana Elle Casey. Como o subtítulo sugere, nele acompanhamos a história de Jason Bradley, um adolescente que vive o melhor momento da sua vida. Estrela do time de futebol americano da escola, adorado ... leia mais


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