All That We Are Together

All That We Are Together Alice Kellen


All That We Are Together (Let It Be #2)

How do you move on from a broken heart?

Three years have passed since Axel Nguyen shattered Leah Jones' heart into a million pieces, and Leah has spent every moment of those three years distracting herself from the devastation. She tries to move on with Landon, a guy she meets in college, but she can only truly escape thoughts of Axel when she's painting. At least one good thing has come out of all of it: her dream of exhibiting her work is finally coming true.

Axel is achingly aware every day of how much he misses Leah. The moment he learns about Leah's exhibit, Axel can't think about anything else but to go see her. Being in the same room with Leah, as beautiful and magnetic as he remembers, leaves Axel desperate and Leah breathless in his presence. He offers to be her agent; she accepts. One work trip to Paris later leaves Leah and Axel full of pent-up attraction and wondering if their whirlwind romance is a forever kind of love or if it's better off left in the past.

International bestselling author Alice Kellen concludes her emotional new adult duology with an evocative and passionate love story for readers of Colleen Hoover, Anna Todd, and books to make you ugly cry.


Edições (2)

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Tudo o que somos juntos
All That We Are Together


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Amor nas Entrelinhas

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on 26/3/24

Aqui teremos um enredo sobre segundas chances que eu gosto tanto! Eles passaram um bom tempo afastados, e claro que ninguém deseja isso em um romance, mas olhando num geral, achei importantíssimo. Leah conseguiu ter novas experiências, que por ela ser nova, e ter bastante diferença de idade entre ela e Axel, ficava bem incômodo em diversas situações. E ambos puderam amadurecer, inclusive ele, que precisava. Foi bonito ver o amor se tornando mais firme e real. A maneira como o roman... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 108
ranking 47
ranking 38
ranking 11
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cadastrou em:
25/12/2023 10:53:07
editou em:
25/12/2023 10:53:35

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