All Hearts on Deck

All Hearts on Deck Gianni Holmes


All Hearts on Deck (Till There Was You #3)

One Last Christmas

When you’ve only got one last Christmas, you’ll do whatever it takes to make it perfect.
My older brother and his family are the most important people in my life. He took me off the streets when I ran away seven years ago. When he asks me to be the guardian of his kids in the event of his death, I promise him never to let our mother get custody of his kids.
A year after his death, I’m struggling to keep my niece and nephew. Thanks to my boss, and the cruise tickets he gives me for Christmas bonus, we’re able to get away temporarily. And I’ll try not to think that, I may have done the one thing I promised myself never to do again, for those tickets.

Money and men are my two vices. The first is easy to make, the second never stays. Given my bad luck with men, I should stay away from my handyman, Bailey. He’s too young, too goodlooking, too perfect. When I gift him two tickets for a Christmas Caribbean cruise, I have no intention of following him, but Bailey breaks our professional relationship when he shows me just how grateful he is. Following him on that cruise, I have every intention of picking up right where we left off, but Bailey comes with extra baggage I’m not sure I can handle. Do I dare pursue his heart on deck when he’s made it clear he’s a package deal?

All Hearts on Deck is a 60k+ word Christmas novel which can be read as a standalone. It follows the secondary character Bailey from book 2 of the Till There Was You series.

Till There Was You series
Easy Does It Twice Book 1...Gordon+Beau
Ollie on the Out Book 2...Ollie+Drew
All Hearts on Deck Book 3...Bailey+Arthur

Erótico / LGBT / GLS / Romance

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All Hearts on Deck


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25/11/2018 18:43:34

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