All God

All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes Maya Angelou


All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes

A memoir about home and belonging.
All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes, published in 1986, is the fifth book in African-American writer and poet Maya Angelou's seven-volume autobiography series. Set between 1962 and 1965, the book begins when Angelou is 33 years old, and recounts the years she lived in Accra, Ghana.
Maya Angelou's autobiography, beginning with I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, "are a testament to the talents and resilience of this extraordinary writer. Loving the world, she also knows its cruelty. As a black woman she has known discrimination and extreme poverty, but also hope, joy, achievement and celebration. In the fifth volume, Maya Angelou emigrates to Ghana only to discover that 'you can't go home again' but she comes to a new awareness of love and friendship, civil rights and slavery - and the myth of mother Africa."

'She moved through the world with unshakeable calm, confidence and a fierce grace... She will always be the rainbow in my clouds' Oprah Winfrey

'She was important in so many ways. She launched African American women writing in the United States. She was generous to a fault. She had nineteen talents - used ten. And was a real original. There is no duplicate' Toni Morrison

Biografia, Autobiografia, Memórias / Drama / Línguas Estrangeiras

Edições (1)

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All God


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sempre maya
on 28/7/21

"I thought of my grandmother who said, ?If you want to know how important you are to the world, stick your finger in a pond and pull it out. Will the hole remain?" Esse é o quinto volume da autobiografia da Maya Angelou. Assim como nos quatro anteriores, sigo achando que é impossível não se encantar, não se admirar pela força, pela sensibilidade e pela grandiosidade da Maya. Em "All God's Children Need Travelling Shoes" acompanhamos sua vida na África, essencialmente em Gana, em bus... leia mais


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20/01/2021 20:49:42
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