Aisha And Merneptah

Aisha And Merneptah Barbara Ann Cerda


Aisha And Merneptah (The Protectress #5)

At 14 years old, she found herself alone on the streets of New York City. No friends. No family. But fate has big plans for the brown homeless teen. Destiny delivered her into the arms of the most powerful family in history. They happily filled her life with love, a family, and a purpose that will change the future of humanity.
Aisha Davenport grew into adulthood under the loving guidance of the powerful woman in the world… Meretneith, who later became her adopted mother. She grew beautiful and strong, fulfilling the promise Meretneith saw in the young teen. Aisha learned to become part of the world of extreme wealth and power. Becoming a major force within her adopted mother’s business, the Neith Foundation. And then a meeting in London forever changed all things.
He was 3,000 years old and ready to become the global leader and the first of his kind. But that would mean breaking the 250,000-year-traditions of his tribe. Merneptah didn’t have the same sentiment for humanity nor his tribe’s need to dictate his life. The beautiful giant was not gentle. He’d proven himself brutal with war and killing. Now he only wanted what he felt he earned. Leadership and loyalty. And then one morning at a meeting in London, he met his mother’s best-kept secret, Aisha.
The beautiful tall young woman that resembled his mother, Meretneith’s, ways took his heart. And became his obsession. Merneptah became determined to have both global power and a mate that took his heart. He hoped to take what he wanted gently. But nothing this big will come without breaking some hearts.
From London to the deserts of Cairo, Merneptah pursued and schemed to capture Aisha’s heart. He fought Aisha’s love and marriage to another human. He fought his own family to break with tradition. But it was Aisha’s human husband Jesse who refused to go away quietly.

Fantasia / Ficção / História / Romance

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Aisha And Merneptah


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cadastrou em:
15/11/2020 01:23:00
mara sop
editou em:
15/11/2020 01:23:44

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