Acts of Desperation (English Edition)

Acts of Desperation (English Edition) Megan Nolan


Acts of Desperation (English Edition)

Heralding the arrival of a huge literary talent (Karl Ove Knausgaard), Megan Nolans riveting debut is a blistering anti-romance (Catherine Lacey) about love addiction and what it does to us. Wouldnt I do anything to reverse my loss, the absence of him? In the first scene of this provocative gut-punch of a novel, our unnamed narrator meets a magnetic writer named Ciaran and falls, against her better judgment, completely in his power. After a brief, all-consuming romance he abruptly rejects her, sending her into a tailspin of jealous obsession and longing. If he ever comes back to her, she resolves to hang onto him and his love at all costs, even if it destroys her Part breathless confession, part lucid critique, Acts of Desperation renders a consciousness split between rebellion and submission, between escaping degradation and eroticizing it, between loving and being lovable. With unsettling, electric precision, Nolan dissects one of lifes most elusive mysteries: Why do we want what we want, and how do we want it? Combining the intellectual excitement of Rachel Cusk with the emotional rawness of Elena Ferrante, Acts of Desperation interrogates the nature of desire, power, and toxic relationships, challenging us to reckon honestly with our own insatiability.

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Acts of Desperation (English Edition)


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on 29/7/22

There were things happening inside me which there were no words for, or too many words ? things that were so simple that they seemed infantile to even think of but which I hadn?t been able to think of for so long. Things like the creamy orange sky which was making my heart feel split and open and free as it had when I was a teenager.... leia mais


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