Academically Yours

Academically Yours Jennifer Chipman


Academically Yours (Best Friends Book Club #1)

Noelle Hastings
I tried to tell myself that I was done with love. I moved back to Portland, enrolled myself in grad school, and threw myself into being the best hall director I could be. And everything was going fine, really, until I got dragged along to an event to celebrate the beginning of the school year and I met him. Tall. Blonde. Shaped like a god. And this handsome, grumpy professor? He wanted me. But every day, he proves to me a little bit more that maybe it's okay to fall in love again.

Matthew Harper
You know what they say: having it all means you can lose it all. Or that was what I'd been telling myself for the last decade. And I can't go through that again, so I decided to protect my heart. It's my second year teaching full time on campus, and that's when I meet her. Suddenly, everything else seems insignificant. Because I can't get her smile out of my mind, or the way she jokes with me. I want every smile she can give me, and so much more. But is dreaming of a future with her the very thing that would cause my ultimate downfall? Maybe, but all I know is that I am going to soak up every moment I can with her before I lose her.

Chick-lit / Ficção / Línguas Estrangeiras / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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A pia tá cheia de louça, o banheiro parece um botequim
on 24/4/24

Esse livro só me confirmou oq eu já sabia: romance pão com ovo não é pra mim. Eu gosto é de ver o circo pegar fogo, o pau torando, mocinha dando tiro do mocinho, ela dando facada, faquinha no pescoço. Coisas leves assim ?? Foram incontáveis decepções ao longo da leitura, mas oq mais me doeu foi o fato de eu, EU, completamente obcecada por ruivinhos e loirinhos não ter gostado NADA desses dois personagens. OLHA OQ VC FEZ, JENNIFER CHIPMAN, VC NAO TINHA ESSE DIREITO. Tudo começou a dar... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.3 / 75
ranking 16
ranking 36
ranking 36
ranking 11
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
23/07/2022 20:53:45
editou em:
02/06/2023 20:54:44

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