A World of Lost Words

A World of Lost Words Jane Washington


A World of Lost Words (A Tempest of Shadows #5)

I was born with a shadow inside me, a beast clawing and ripping its way to freedom. I was born with a clock inside me, the tick-ticking of my heartbeat drawing us all closer to the inevitable, the inescapable. The end of everything.

And now, finally, it has arrived.

The world is burning, the souls are screaming, the castles are crumbling. Death is here for us all, but I am a warrior of light, a conqueror of worlds, a protector of souls. I have seen the face of death, and it is only one face in a sea of many, one name in a language so vast, most of the words have been forgotten... but languages can be learned.

In a world of lost words, even death has a name.

In the forgotten places full of forgotten whispers, magic can always be found. Even by the weakest of us. Even the cursed and condemned, the stewards or sectorians, the warriors or maidens, the gods or mortals.

Even someone like me.

This epic, apocalyptic fantasy is dark, lush and gritty. The heroin has multiple, slow-burn love interests, who all begin as true enemies, so you don't have to choose your favourite anti-hero. This series has some intense and dark themes, and the heroes begin as utterly irredeemable alphaholes, so consider yourselves warned!

Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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A World of Lost Words


(4) ver mais
A Tempest of Shadows
A City of Whispers
A Dream of Embers
A Castle of Ash

Resenhas para A World of Lost Words (5)

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on 17/8/22

Sabe quando você termina uma história orgulhosa de onde os personagens chegaram? Do quanto eles cresceram? Eu to assim, em lágrimas por esses bebês! Meu peito ta explodindo de amor por tlda essa serie! Virou uma das minhas favoritas! Eles cresceram tanto, houveram tantos plot twist! O tanto que chorei com esse livro também não ta escrito! A Ven é incrível. O amor e a força que ela tem dentro dela não tem tamanho! To feliz com todo o desenvolvimento e leria mais 5 livros dessa serie s... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.3 / 53
ranking 58
ranking 25
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14/06/2022 17:38:39
editou em:
14/06/2022 17:39:01