A Castle of Ash

A Castle of Ash Jane Washington


A Castle of Ash (A Tempest of Shadows #4)

"This world has fallen to sickness and shadow. It has bound my hands and blinded me, picking away at the things I love until even my conscience has slipped off to some forlorn cage within my mind, locked away as a traitor. I once feared the storm inside me. Now I would give anything to have it back."

To prove the purity of my soul, I sacrificed everything. I lost my magic, my best friend, and tied myself to the five kings of the afterworld in unholy matrimony. Now, every day is torture at their hands. I am their final hope, a perfect weapon to wield in the ultimate war still looming ahead of us. They will push me as far as it takes, no matter what.

Every day, I give a little more of myself away, and they're snapping up each piece as though they have a right.

Every day, the Darkness takes another victim, picking off people all around me until those of us who fight for light and life are outnumbered in a world we're no longer sure is our own.

The end is drawing near, but the closer it gets, the more impossible our victory seems.

Even after everything I've sacrificed... I fear it won't be enough.

This epic, apocalyptic fantasy is dark, lush and gritty. The heroin has multiple, slow-burn love interests, who all begin as true enemies, so you don't have to choose your favourite anti-hero. This series has some intense and dark themes, and the heroes begin as utterly irredeemable, alpha a-holes, so consider yourselves warned!

Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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A Castle of Ash


(4) ver mais
A Tempest of Shadows
A City of Whispers
A Dream of Embers
A World of Lost Words

Resenhas para A Castle of Ash (2)

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on 11/8/22

Meu deus quanta reviravolta!!!!!! MEU DEUUUUSS!!!! Eu gritei, eu chorei, eu to rindo sozinha até agora! MEU DEUS QUE FINAL! QUE REVIRAVOLTA! Essa serie toda é assim cheia de reviravoltas, mas esse foi o plot twist do milenio! Sinto que o último livro vai ser ainda melhor, a Ven deve tá super fodoonaaa poderosa, dominando esses machos embustes completamente! Ainda to sem acreditar, serio! Apenas a melhor serie que li esse ano!!!... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.2 / 57
ranking 54
ranking 30
ranking 12
ranking 4
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
14/06/2022 17:35:14
editou em:
14/06/2022 17:35:30

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