A Work in Progress:

A Work in Progress: Connor Franta


A Work in Progress:

A Memoir

In this intimate memoir of life beyond the camera, Connor Franta shares the lessons he has learned on his journey from small-town boy to Internet sensation—so far. Here, Connor offers a look at his Midwestern upbringing as one of four children in the home and one of five in the classroom; his struggles with identity, body image, and sexuality in his teen years; and his decision to finally pursue his creative and artistic passions in his early twenties, setting up his thrilling career as a YouTube personality, philanthropist, entrepreneur, and tastemaker.

Exploring his past with insight and humor, his present with humility, and his future with hope, Connor reveals his private struggles while providing heartfelt words of wisdom for young adults. His words will resonate with anyone coming of age in the digital era, but at the core is a timeless message for people of all ages: don’t be afraid to be yourself and to go after what you truly want.

This full-color collection includes photography and childhood clippings provided by Connor and is a must-have for anyone inspired by his journey.

Biografia, Autobiografia, Memórias

Edições (2)

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A Work in Progress:
A Work in Progress


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O Momento
on 12/7/16

Vamos aos lados positivos: tudo o que o Connor mostra é muito simples e mesmo que sejam coisas óbvias para mim hoje, um dia elas não foram; é muito legal que essa mensagem esteja no ar rolando por aí. Os capítulos são muito curtos, super rápidos e fáceis de ler e para quem curte o audiobook pode ter aquela sensação esperta de estar conversando direto com ele. Eu consegui perceber nesse texto um subtexto sutilíssimo sobre como você não precisa se abandonar para conquistar nada na vida, ... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.2 / 51
ranking 53
ranking 22
ranking 22
ranking 2
ranking 2



Amanda Mucci
cadastrou em:
24/03/2015 14:20:02

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