A Witch in Time

A Witch in Time Constance Sayers


A Witch in Time

A young witch is cursed to relive a doomed love affair through many lifetimes, as both troubled muse and frustrated artist, in this beautiful debut novel.

In 1895, sixteen-year-old Juliet LaCompte has a passionate, doomed romance with the married Parisian painter Auguste Marchant. When her mother -- a witch -- botches a curse on Marchant, she unwittingly binds Juliet to the artist through time, damning her to re-live her affair and die tragically young lifetime after lifetime as the star-crossed lovers reincarnate through history.
Luke Varner, the worldly demon tasked with maintaining this badly crafted curse, has been helplessly in love with his charge, in all her reincarnations, since 19th century France. He's in love Nora, a silver screen starlet in 1930s Hollywood. He's in love with Sandra, a struggling musician in 1970s Los Angeles. And he's in love with Helen, a magazine exec in present-day DC who has the power to "suggest" others do her bidding.
In this life, Helen starts to recall the curse and her tragic previous lives. But this time, she might have the power to break the cycle...

Fantasia / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (2)

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A Witch in Time
A Witch In Time


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Uma Bruxa no Tempo

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on 3/12/21

foi uma das piores coisas que ja li na vida, 448 páginas endeusando um abusador de menor de idade. eu até pensei que em algum momento esse assunto seria trabalhado com responsabilidade, não acredito que alguém consiga escrever e pensar que está tudo bem um homem adulto com descrições como "barba grisalha" tendo relações sexuais com uma menor de idade e normalizar isso. e pior, essa mesma garota sendo vinculada a esse homem e se apaixonando por ele em todas as próximas vidas. não sei co... leia mais


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18/03/2019 15:50:09

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