A Tale of Two Cities

A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens


A Tale of Two Cities

The “two cities” are Paris in the time of the French Revolution, and London. Dr. Manette, a French physician, having been called in to treat a young peasant and his sister, realizes that they have been cruelly abused by the Marquis de St. Evremonde and his brother. To ensure Dr. Manette’s silence, the Marquis has him confined for eighteen years in the Bastille. The doctor has just been released, demented, when the story opens. He is brought to England where he gradually recovers his health and his sanity. Charles Darnay, concealing under that false name his identity as the nephew of the cruel Marquis, has left France and renounced his heritage. He falls in love with Lucie, Dr. Manette’s daughter, and they are happily married. During the Terror, he goes to Paris to save a servant condemned by the mob. Darnay himself is arrested, condemned to death, and is saved at the last moment by Sydney Carton, a reckless wastrel who acts out of devotion to Lucie. Carton smuggles Darnay out of prison and takes his place on the scaffold, declaring “It’s a far, far better thing I do than I have ever done before,” surely one of the most quoted lines in all the history of literature. includes unique illustrations.

Drama / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance / Ficção

Edições (43)

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A Tale of Two Cities
A Tale of Two Cities
A Tale of Two Cities
A Tale of Two Cities


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Resenhas para A Tale of Two Cities (21)

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Dickens partiu meu coração e eu gostei
on 12/10/22

Finalmente entendi por que Dickens é tão celebrado. A Tale of Two Cities não só tem um dos melhores parágrafos de abertura da literatura, mas também uma das histórias mais cativantes que já li. Não é sem falhas, mas eu honestamente não me importo. A história faz o que a boa arte faz melhor: nos faz sentir coisas. Fui fisgada desde o início e vi a Revolução Francesa ganhar vida (algo que nunca vi na minhas aulas de história do ensino médio). É somente através da vida dos indivíduos que... leia mais


Avaliações 4.0 / 287
ranking 39
ranking 35
ranking 20
ranking 4
ranking 2



cadastrou em:
01/03/2019 18:59:22
editou em:
01/03/2019 19:00:29

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