A Shaper

A Shaper's Farewell (Aura Shaper Book 3) (English Edition) Karen MacRae


A Shaper's Farewell (Aura Shaper Book 3) (English Edition)

THE EPIC FINALE TO THE AURA SHAPER TRILOGY My best friend says peristone beads look like ordinary stone but, to me and others like me, they glow as if theyre a tiny bit of a rainbow. Like a jewel catching the sunlight. Even in the dark, they shine. Opapa explained to me how Aura Shapers use them to craft light, but Ive never seen it done before last night. Craft light? Aye, thats what we call it. We craft stone. Shapers craft light. The light just happens to be the energy of life. Discover the fate of Annas world in this thrilling final instalment of the battle between the White Shaper and Nystrieth, the Black Shaper and self-proclaimed god. The Mastran border is about to be breached by Emperor Nystrieths enormous, marauding army leaving King Rybis no choice but to declare war on the Black Shaper and send help to The Kingdoms closest ally. Elona, the Reader warrior, and Pyteor, the Concealer, are only weeks away from presenting their Emperor and God with coloured peristone beads and the knowledge of how to transform them into fabled black peristone. They know no one will be able to stop Him once He has the power of the stone, not even the so-called Kings Shaper, the weakling wisp of a girl whos joined forces with Rybis spies. Annas new oath, Forever White, means shell stand up to evil at every opportunity and Nystrieth is no exception. Now in possession of a white peristone, her powers have never been greater, but she'll have to face her fears and find new allies if shes to stand a chance of stopping the monster from destroying the good in the world. "Brilliant trilogy! Loved all three books. Great characters and brilliant story. Hope there are more in the series." "The finale is here on the Shaper's series. It has been an amazing series and A Shaper's Farewell does not disappoint. I enjoyed this one so much more than I could have imagined. As Anna and the gang finally have to come face to face with the Black Shaper this book has a much darker tone than the others. The writing continues to be amazing and we get to know the characters so much better in this book. Though there is a lot left at the end that could happen I felt it wrapped up the series well. There was some shocking and heartbreaking moments to the book but that must gave it a more "realistic" feel for you knew that it could happen." "Couldn't put it down. A great read and a lovely escape from everyday life."

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A Shaper



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