A Rip Through Time

A Rip Through Time Kelley Armstrong


A Rip Through Time #1

May 20, 2019: Homicide detective Mallory is in Edinburgh to be with her dying grandmother. While out on a jog one evening, Mallory hears a woman in distress. She’s drawn to an alley, where she is attacked and loses consciousness.

May 20, 1869: Housemaid Catriona Mitchell had been enjoying a half-day off, only to be discovered that night in a lane, where she’d been strangled and left for dead . . . exactly one-hundred-and-fifty years before Mallory was strangled in the same spot.

When Mallory wakes up in Catriona's body in 1869, she must put aside her shock and adjust quickly to the reality: life as a housemaid to an undertaker in Victorian Scotland. She soon discovers that her boss, Dr. Gray, also moonlights as a medical examiner and has just taken on an intriguing case, the strangulation of a young man, similar to the attack on herself. Her only hope is that catching the murderer can lead her back to her modern life . . . before it's too late.

Fantasia / Ficção / Ficção científica / Literatura Estrangeira / Aventura / Crime / Drama / História / História Geral / Línguas Estrangeiras / Romance policial / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (2)

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A Rip Through Time


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Resenhas para A Rip Through Time (1)

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"His eyes sparkle with mischief, and my heart does a little flip. Oh, no."
on 28/6/22

Estou agradecendo todas as divindades possíveis por ter me dado a oportunidade de olhar esse livro e decidir que seria uma boa escolha de leitura. A Rip Trough Time é fantástico! Gostaria de digitar uma resenha digna desse livro, mas ainda me encontro em êxtase e querendo muito mais (não vejo a hora de poder ler a continuação da autora!) logo me faltam palavras e uma régua pra medir minhas palavras de maneira correta aqui. Inclusive, falando na autora... Espero que ela dê os pulos d... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
02/06/2022 00:52:22
editou em:
02/06/2022 00:53:08

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