A Picture of Hope (Heroines of WWII)

A Picture of Hope (Heroines of WWII) Liz Tolsman


A Picture of Hope (Heroines of WWII)

A Photojournalist Risks Her Life to Save a Very Special Child 
Full of intrigue, adventure, and romance, this series celebrates the unsung heroes—the heroines of WWII. 
Journalist Nellie Wilkerson has spent the bulk of the war in London, photographing mothers standing in milk lines—and she’s bored. She jumps at the chance to go to France, where the Allied forces recently landed. There she enlists Jean-Paul Breslau of the French underground to take her to the frontlines. On the journey, they stumble upon a great tragedy, leaving a girl with special needs being orphaned. 
Can Nellie and Jean-Paul see the child to a safe haven while being pursued by the Nazis, who are pressed by the advancing Allies and determined to destroy all they can before they flee? 


In Picture of Hope, Liz Tolsma takes readers on an unforgettable journey to rescue a French orphan, contrasting the terror of darkness during World War II with God’s radiating light. A master story-weaver, Tolsma once again braids together brokenness and healing, justice and grace. And the end result is a gripping novel that will capture your heart and steal your sleep as you race to find out what happens to this little girl and the band of friends collected along the way.
~Melanie Dobson, Carol Award winning author of Catching the Wind and The Curator’s Daughter

Grounded in little-known historical detail, A Picture of Hope is a suspenseful story filled with intrigue, romance, and mystery. Liz Tolsma uses the gritty setting of Nazi-occupied France to weave a compassionate tale of hope that illuminates the true worth and dignity of every human. A novel that is sure to please!
—Heidi Chiavaroli, Carol award-winning author of Freedom’s Ring and The Orchard House

The stakes are high when children—labeled as undesirable by the Nazis—and those committed to getting them to safety are in danger of losing their lives. In A Picture of Hope, gifted author Liz Tolsma brings us a story of heart-pounding courage and heart-rendering compassion in this must-read novel for fans of inspirational WWII fiction. A truly compelling story that still lingers in my thoughts.
—Johnnie Alexander, best-selling & award-winning author of Where Treasure Hides and The Cryptographer’s Dilemma.

História / Romance

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A Picture of Hope (Heroines of WWII)



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cadastrou em:
08/09/2021 22:31:23
editou em:
08/09/2021 22:31:46

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