A Light That Never Goes Out: The Enduring Saga of the Smiths (English Edition)

A Light That Never Goes Out: The Enduring Saga of the Smiths (English Edition) Tony Fletcher


A Light That Never Goes Out: The Enduring Saga of the Smiths (English Edition)

The definitive book about The Smiths, one of the most beloved, respected, and storied indie rock bands in music history. They were, their fans believe, the best band in the world. Hailing from Manchester, England, The Smiths--Morrissey, Johnny Marr, Andy Rourke, and Mike Joyce--were critical and popular favorites throughout their mid-1980s heyday and beyond. To this day, due to their unforgettable songs and lyrics, they are considered one of the greatest British rock groups of all time--up there with the Beatles, the Stones, the Who, and the Clash. Tony Fletcher paints a vivid portrait of the fascinating personalities within the group: Morrissey, the witty, literate lead singer whose loner personality and complex lyrics made him an icon for teenagers who felt forlorn and forgotten; his songwriting partner Marr, the gregarious guitarist who became a rock god for a generation of indie kids; and the talented, good-looking rhythm section duo of bassist Rourke and drummer Joyce. Despite the band's tragic breakup at the height of their success, A Light That Never Goes Out is a celebration: the saga of four working-class kids from a northern English city who come together despite contrasting personalities, find a musical bond, inspire a fanatical following, and leave a legacy that changed the music world--and the lives of their fans.

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A Light That Never Goes Out: The Enduring Saga of the Smiths (English Edition)


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Uma luz que nunca se apaga
on 28/12/22

Eu gostaria muito de ter lido esta biografia por meio de um livro físico para ter yma experiência melhor, mas precisei ler pelo meio virtual (tal qual a do Black Sabbath) e talvez eu não tenha aproveitado tanto. Foi interessante conhecer a história desta maravilhosa banda pela perspectiva deste autor. Ao ler eu fui ouvindo os álbuns e meu respeito pela arte dos Smiths só aumentou.... leia mais


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