A Lesson in Thorns

A Lesson in Thorns Sierra Simone


A Lesson in Thorns (Thornchapel #1)

When librarian Poe Markham takes the job at Thornchapel, she only wants two things: to stay away from Thornchapel’s tortured owner, Auden Guest, and to find out what happened to her mother twelve years ago. It should be easy enough—keep her head down while she works in the house’s crumbling private library and while she hunts down any information as to why this remote manor tucked into the fog-shrouded moors would be the last place her mother was seen alive. But Thornchapel has other plans for her...

As Poe begins uncovering the house’s secrets, both new and old, she’s also pulled into the seductive, elegant world of Auden and his friends—and drawn to Auden’s worst enemy, the beautiful and brooding St. Sebastian. And as Thornchapel slowly tightens its coil of truths and lies around them, Poe, Auden and St. Sebastian start unravelling into filthy, holy pleasure and pain. Together, they awaken a fate that will either anoint them or leave them in ashes…
From the author of the USA Today bestselling New Camelot series comes an original fairy tale full of ancient mysteries, lantern-lit rituals, jealousy, money, murder, sacred torment, and obsessions that last for lifetimes...

***A Lesson in Thorns is the first of four books in the Thornchapel series.***

Erótico / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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A Lesson in Thorns
A Lesson in Thorns


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on 26/5/21

Escrita ótima, mais com muita enrolação pras coisas acontecerem. Um Ritual que até agora eu não entendi pra que merda ele serve, e olha que esse ritual é falado do início ao fim na história. Eu achava que cada volume era um casal, mais o bagulho é que todo mundo sente vontade de pegar todo mundo e não dá pra saber quem vai ficar com quem, se vai ter casal, trisal, ou sei lá o q. No momento não vou dá continuação na série, pq o final desse não me convenceu pra seguir adiante com as leit... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.5 / 58
ranking 22
ranking 34
ranking 29
ranking 9
ranking 5



cadastrou em:
23/03/2021 09:06:56
editou em:
23/03/2021 09:07:59

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