A Geração do Meio

A Geração do Meio Margaret Drabble


A Geração do Meio

The Middle Ground

Em "A Geração do Meio", Margaret Drabble amplifica sua voz feminina em busca da identidade e da coerência psicológica, por meio de uma teia de diálogos e relações intertextuais.

Um grupo de amigos: uma jornalista divorciada, o ex-amante a sua atual esposa, além de um antropólogo aventureiro, sentem de forma contundente a crise dos quarenta, uma curiosa mescla de liberdade e de prisão. Questionando carreiras vitoriosas, eles experimentam, para paradoxalmente, o gosto amargo da indecisão e da insegurança diante dos filhos adolescentes, do novo, e da incógnita que o futuro lhes reserva. Uma prova inteligente e que faz pensar.

Kate Armstrong, a successful English journalist and mother of grown children, faces that moment when--the emotional life of her young womanhood at an end--she must enter her later years with intelligence, understanding, and strength. . .

[About the Author]: Margaret Drabble was born in Sheffield, Yorkshire in 1939, and is the younger sister of A. S. Byatt. Margaret's novel THE MILLSTONE won the John Llewelyn Rhys Prize and she was granted a Society of Author's Travelling Fellowship in the mid-1960's. She received the James Tait Black and the E.M. Forster awards, and was awarded the CBE in 1980. (...) Margaret Drabble is the author of The Sea Lady, The Seven Sisters, The Peppered Moth, and The Needle's Eye, among other novels. She has written biographies of Arnold Bennett and Angus Wilson, and she is the editor of the fifth and sixth editions of The Oxford Companion to English Literature. For her contributions to contemporary English literature, she was made a Dame of the British Empire in 2008. (...) She has three children and lives in London with her second husband, biographer Michael Holroyd.

Aventura / Comunicação / Crônicas / Ficção / História / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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A Geração do Meio


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Em Busca De Identidade Feminina: Os Romances De Margaret Drabble
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cadastrou em:
14/02/2012 21:30:51
editou em:
18/06/2018 12:30:03

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