A Gentleman Never Keeps Score

A Gentleman Never Keeps Score Cat Sebastian


A Gentleman Never Keeps Score (Seducing the Sedgwicks #2)

Once beloved by London's fashionable elite, Hartley Sedgwick has become a recluse after a spate of salacious gossip exposed his most-private secrets. Rarely venturing from the house whose inheritance is a daily reminder of his downfall, he’s captivated by the exceedingly handsome man who seeks to rob him.

Since retiring from the boxing ring, Sam Fox has made his pub, The Bell, into a haven for those in his Free Black community. But when his best friend Kate implores him to find and destroy a scandalously revealing painting of her, he agrees. Sam would do anything to protect those he loves, even if it means stealing from a wealthy gentleman. But when he encounters Hartley, he soon finds himself wanting to steal more than just a painting from the lovely, lonely man—he wants to steal his heart.

Content Warning from Author: This book includes a main character who was sexually abused in the past; abuse happens off page but is alluded to.

Ficção / LGBT / GLS / Romance

Edições (1)

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A Gentleman Never Keeps Score


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Avaliações 4.0 / 27
ranking 26
ranking 59
ranking 15
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