A Gentle Reminder

A Gentle Reminder Bianca Sparacino


A Gentle Reminder

A gentle reminder, for the days you feel light in this world, and for the days in which the sun rises a little slower. A gentle reminder for when your heart is full of hope, and for when you are learning how to heal it. A gentle reminder for when you finally begin to trust in the goodness, and for when you need the kind of words that hug your broken pieces back together. A gentle reminder for when growth hangs heavy in the air, for when you need to tuck your strength into your bones just to make it to tomorrow. A gentle reminder for when you are balancing the messiness, and the beauty, of what it means to be human, when you are teaching yourself that it is okay to be both happy and sad, that you are real, not perfect. A gentle reminder for when you seek the words you needed when you were younger. A gentle reminder for when you need to hear that you deserve to be loved the way you love others. A gentle reminder for when you need to recognize that you are not your past, that you are not your faults. A gentle reminder for when you need to believe in staying soft, in continuing to be the kind of person who cares. A gentle reminder for when you need to believe in loving deeply in a world that sometimes fails to do so. A gentle reminder to keep going. A gentle reminder to hope.
A gentle reminder, for you.
Take what you need.

Autoajuda / Bem estar e lazer / Línguas Estrangeiras / Poemas, poesias

Edições (1)

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A Gentle Reminder


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Resenhas para A Gentle Reminder (20)

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on 8/8/22

Profundo, dinâmico, acolhedor, imprescindível. Tocou em partes da minha cura interior que não imaginava precisarem de conforto. Tornou-se um dos meus favoritos e já quero reler. Uma ótima obra de cabeceira; gostaria de adquirir o livro físico para isso, mas no momento só consegui o e-book.... leia mais

Vídeos A Gentle Reminder (1)

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Gentle Reminders Everyone Needs To Hear | In Your Feelings, Ep. 27

Gentle Reminders Everyone Needs To Hear | In


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cadastrou em:
01/07/2021 01:55:35
editou em:
01/07/2021 01:56:58

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