A Ferry of Bones & Gold

A Ferry of Bones & Gold Hailey Turner


A Ferry of Bones & Gold (Soulbound #1)

Patrick Collins is three years into a career as a special agent for the Supernatural Operations Agency when the gods come calling to collect a soul debt he owes them. An immortal has gone missing in New York City and bodies are showing up in the wake of demon-led ritual killings that Patrick recognizes all too easily from his nightmares.

Unable to walk away, Patrick finds himself once again facing off against mercenary magic users belonging to the Dominion Sect. Standing his ground alone has never been a winning option in Patrick’s experience, but it’s been years since he’s had a partner he could trust.

Looking for allies in all the wrong places, Patrick discovers the Dominion Sect’s next target is the same werewolf the Fates themselves have thrown into his path. Patrick has been inexplicably attracted to the man from their first meeting, but desire has no place in war. That doesn’t stop Patrick from wanting what he shouldn’t have. Jonothon de Vere is gorgeous, dangerous, and nothing but trouble—to the case, to the fight against every hell, and ultimately, to Patrick’s heart and soul.

In the end, all debts must be paid, and Patrick can only do what he does best—cheat death.

Erótico / Fantasia / LGBT / GLS / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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A Ferry of Bones & Gold


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on 21/5/21

To APAIXONADA por esse livro! Definitivamente uma das melhores fantasias que li esse ano, se não a melhor! Os personagens são cativantes do começo ao fim, tanto os principais quantos os coadjuvantes, em todos dá pra sentir a pronfundidade de uma história por trás e não só foram jogados na história. O universo é riquíssimo de mitologia, tem deuses, tem vampiros e lobisomens, tem magos tem tudo! E ainda tem a parte policial do protagonista, com passado no exército! Ai é tanta coisa nes... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.2 / 48
ranking 52
ranking 33
ranking 10
ranking 4
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
05/04/2019 19:18:05
editou em:
22/09/2023 18:03:15

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