A Deadly Education

A Deadly Education Naomi Novik


A Deadly Education (Scholomance #1)

I decided that Orion Lake needed to die after the second time he saved my life.

Everyone loves Orion Lake. Everyone else, that is. Far as I’m concerned, he can keep his flashy combat magic to himself. I’m not joining his pack of adoring fans.

I don’t need help surviving the Scholomance, even if they do. Forget the hordes of monsters and cursed artifacts. I’m probably the most dangerous thing in the place. Just give me a chance and I’ll level mountains and kill untold millions, make myself the dark queen of the world.

At least, that’s what the world expects me to do. Most of the other students in here would be delighted if Orion killed me like one more evil thing that’s crawled out of the drains. Sometimes I think they want me to turn into the evil witch they assume I am. The school itself certainly does.

But the Scholomance isn’t getting what it wants from me. And neither is Orion Lake. I may not be anyone’s idea of the shining hero, but I’m going to make it out of this place alive, and I’m not going to slaughter thousands to do it, either.

Although I’m giving serious consideration to just one.

Fantasia / Ficção

Edições (2)

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A Deadly Education
A Deadly Education


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on 31/12/23

Que leitura frustrante, páginas e páginas de uma descrição interminável do dormitório da galadriel, que além disso era uma protagonista insuportável com pensamentos intragáveis. esperava uma leitura que imergisse no conceito de dark academia e ganhei um texto puramente descritivo, com personagens chatos, que não provocavam nenhum interesse em me aprofundar na história deles. a descrição do mundo mágico foi boa, mas chegou um momento que se tornou repetitivo, eu já tinha entendido o qu... leia mais


Avaliações 3.8 / 166
ranking 31
ranking 48
ranking 14
ranking 7
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cadastrou em:
13/02/2020 22:48:24
editou em:
16/07/2021 20:20:23

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