A Dark Vampire Curse

A Dark Vampire Curse Nikki St. Crowe


A Dark Vampire Curse

A Paranormal Romance

A cursed vampire claims she's the key he's been searching for.

Emery would think Rhys Roman was insane if it wasn't for this annoying ability she's had her entire life: she can read minds. And oddly enough, she can't read his.

Suddenly, Emery is ushered into a dark, deadly underworld of the city she loves where Rhys is reigning king. Or at least he is until the curse plaguing him and his vampires turns them all into feral bloodsuckers.

Time is running out. Rhys thinks only Emery can break the curse. She'd tell him to buzz off if every time he was near, her body didn't turn electric with desire. Rhys has money, power, and a face to die for, but he only has eyes for Emery. The thrill of it is intoxicating, but what happens if she can't help him?

Does he want Emery only to save himself? Or is it Emery that needs saving?

In A Dark Vampire Curse you can expect lots of should-I-shouldn't-I tension between the main characters and plenty of snark, sass and diehard loyalty between the members of this powerful vampire family. A Dark Vampire Curse is a full length novel with HEA for the main characters. Note there is a teaser epilogue for new series with cliff.

Fantasia / Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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A Dark Vampire Curse


Resenhas para A Dark Vampire Curse (1)

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A Dark Vampire History
on 10/1/24

Como está na sinopse, essa é uma novel que serve como "porta de entrada" para o universo de Wrath & Rain, por isso, seria mais interessante que esse livro fosse lido antes da trilogia, mesmo que ele seja focado apenas no Rhys e na Emery. Rhys é um vampiro centenário que foi amaldiçoado muito tempo atrás. Após receber a mensagem de um Oráculo dizendo que Emery é a chave para livrá-lo da maldição, ele não medirá esforços para conseguir o que quer... mesmo que ele queira ela. A leitura é ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
04/04/2022 16:04:21
editou em:
19/09/2022 21:42:15