A Crown of Swords

A Crown of Swords Robert Jordan


A Crown of Swords (The Wheel Of Time #7)

(The Wheel of Time #7)

The seventh volume of Jordan's bestselling high fantasy series carries on the tradition of colossal, dauntingly complex storytelling established by the previous entries (Lord of Chaos, 1994, etc.). In a richly woven post-holocaust world where magic is normally a woman's monopoly and a man who can use it is a menace, Rand al'Thor, a sheepherder, discovered that he could "channel"; he and his companions have gone on to set their world aflame. Here, Rand is engaged in a fight for control of the weather and of the growing number of men and women who have turned out to be magic-wielders. The narrative employs elements of realism rare in high fantasy, including the sense that innocent bystanders are being mauled in an epic joust of magical giants. There's wit at work here, too, in Jordan's exploration of the possibilities created by women being the magic workers. All this comes at the price of enough characters, institutions, spells, countries and so on to intimidate any reader who hasn't followed Rand's adventures from the beginning?and the author is still adding complications. A glossary helps, though, and fans of the series will gobble down this generous addition.

Aventura / Fantasia / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (5)

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A Crown of Swords
A Crown of Swords
A Crown of Swords
A Crown of Swords


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A Crown Of Swords

Resenhas para A Crown of Swords (21)

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on 30/9/21

o A Crown of Swords muito provavelmente é, até agora, o livro com passagens mais "épicas" da saga. cenas com o Rand sendo posto literalmente como um DEUS, o q me deixa muito feliz (eu *literalmente* gritei na famosa Cena Da Coroa) acho que o grande problema dessa parte da saga é o ritmo. deus do céu, um livro INTEIRO pra eles acharam a cumbuca... sério msm? as coisas poderiam ter sido mais rápidas ou então o RoJo poderia ter incrementado mais coisa à história; se demorado um pouco ... leia mais


Avaliações 4.2 / 256
ranking 45
ranking 40
ranking 11
ranking 3
ranking 1



Mau Mau
cadastrou em:
12/02/2013 10:26:35
editou em:
24/06/2019 16:27:48

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