Bonded by Thorns

Bonded by Thorns Elizabeth Helen


Bonded by Thorns (Beasts of the Briar #1)

Four beastly princes. One awkward bookworm. An enchanted world of fae, magic, and danger.

I’ve always loved fairytales. I never imagined I'd actually be in one.

When my father wanders into the enchanted realm of the fae, I know I have to go after him. And when he gets imprisoned, I'll do anything to save him... Even trade my freedom for his. I had no idea I'd end up imprisoned by four sexy fae who turn into beasts at night.

I have to win my freedom, and that means making a bargain with them. They must find their mates in order to break the curse. If I can help them do that, they'll set me free. Sounds simple, right?

It's not. Because against my better judgment, I'm starting to fall for these beastly princes. One is smart and sweet, the other mysterious and deadly, another flirty and confident, and the last prince... He's handsome, strong, has a wicked temper, and is dead-set against breaking the curse. Why does he want to keep me here forever?

But it's not just my freedom on the line. If I don't break the princes' curse soon, all the magic in the Enchanted Vale will be stolen by the evil—and stupidly hot—Prince of Thorns. And I'm not letting my princes stay cursed.

Not after I've fallen in love with them.

BONDED BY THORNS is a steamy adult Beauty and the Beast retelling set in a fantasy fae realm. In this version, our beautiful bookworm doesn't have to choose between the four sexy fae princes. It is a full-length novel that ends on a cliffhanger. It includes MF and MM content. It is intended for mature readers only.

Erótico / Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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Bonded by Thorns


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Legalzinho pra passar o tempo. @paginasdagio

? Para que ter uma fera se pode ter quatro? Essa é uma fantasia baseado em A Bela e A Fera, só que Rosalina terá 4 feras para ela. ? Falando sobre os príncipes, esse livro tem um defeito que encontro em muitos de harém reverso, um dos caras ser totalmente esquecido pela autora. Para quê fazer 4 príncipes, se um deles tem só 2 capítulos narrados e quase interação nenhuma com a Rosalina? ? Tirando isso, eles são maravilhosos, cada uma com uma personalidade diferente e que condiz com ... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.7 / 102
ranking 26
ranking 46
ranking 21
ranking 7
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
16/03/2023 01:02:02
editou em:
08/05/2023 22:15:47

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