Edward Scissorhands #3

Edward Scissorhands #3

Resenhas - Edward Scissorhands #3

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mirianbezerra 21/10/2023

What curiosity doesn't do
This graphic novel is amazing, I love it! The story and the final cliffhanger was really good. I want to read the next one immediately.
In the story, Megs decides to venture to Edward´s Castel to find out the truth and meet him, despite her mother´s warnings. She was curious after discovering and reading her Grandmother Kim´s diary, so she went to find answers. Meg was afraid to meet him at first, but she saw the kindness in Edward. He is so cute and misunderstood! I want to give him a hug.
The drawings are perfect, they are very characteristic and similar to the atmosphere of the story, which helps the ambiance.
In the end, Philip and her dog found Eli and then disappeared without explanation. I am curious to know what happened to them.

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