Not My Problem

Not My Problem Ciara Smyth

Resenhas - Not My Problem

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Giovanna 14/07/2024

One of the best books i have read in a while
It is a very fun book, but it also makes you think a lot about life, and how everyone experience it in different ways. Aindeen is one of the funniest protagonist I've seen, make me laugh as hard as she made me cry. She is the kind of protagonist that make everything that i wanted her to do, and that's my favorite kind of character.
The main trio is super well developed, i wish we have a little more of Ravi because i absolutely love him.
The book is not about romance, so don't expect it, the main couple isn't developed untill like the second half of the book.
I feel like the end is little rushed, but it didn't bother me a lot.

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