The Arrangement

The Arrangement H.M. Ward


The Arrangement

( The Arrangement, #1)

Volume 1 in the Arrangement Serials by NY Times Bestselling Author H.M. Ward
FML is becoming Avery's motto. Just when she doesn't think things could get any worse, they do. When her car stalls out at a busy intersection and she gets out to check under the hood, a guy steals her car. Armed with a dress and a pair of Chucks, Avery runs after the thief. When a hot stranger offers to help, she can't say no. That's how Avery meets Sean Ferro, the totally sexy, totally damaged guy with more secrets than she has time for.

Avery doesn't have time for anything anymore. Her is life falling apart and it's not just the car. It's everything, and it doesn't matter how tightly she tries to hold on, there's nothing left to hold on to. With the sudden death of her parents, it's only a matter of months until Avery's shot at college is gone, and she's living in a cardboard box. Other students have their families to rely on when things get bad. Avery has no one.

But there's one option, one incredibly sexy, morally devoid, option. If Avery takes a job as a call girl, one guy could save her. One client. One time. She just has to say yes.

Edições (2)

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The Arrangement 1
The Arrangement


(4) ver mais
The Arrangement 19
The Arrangement 24
The Arrangement 25
The Arrangement 26

Resenhas para The Arrangement (2)

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on 28/8/13

FML (FML -Fuck My Life) está se tornando o lema de Avery. Apenas quando não acha que as coisas poderiam ficar piores, elas ficam. Quando seu carro “afoga” em um cruzamento movimentado e ela sai para verificar sob o capô, um cara rouba seu carro. Armada com um vestido e um par de tênis, Avery corre atrás do ladrão. Quando um estranho quente se oferece para ajudar, ela não pode dizer não. É assim que conhece Sean Ferro, um cara totalmente danificado, totalmente sexy e com mais segredos ... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.5 / 264
ranking 23
ranking 30
ranking 33
ranking 11
ranking 5



cadastrou em:
16/04/2013 21:36:31