International Financial Statement Analysis Workbook

International Financial Statement Analysis Workbook Thomas R. Robinson...


International Financial Statement Analysis Workbook

Practice the concepts, tools, and techniques of IFSA for better application and understanding International Financial Statement Analysis Workbook helps busy professionals understand and apply the concepts and methodologies essential to accurate financial analysis. A companion to the IFSA text, this workbook offers learning objectives, chapter summaries, and practice problems that reinforce the practitioner-oriented material to give readers the confidence they need before applying these concepts to real cases. Readers will test their understanding of the standards and mechanics of financial reporting, and make use of the tools and techniques described in the text. This informative study guide is designed to facilitate information retention, helping readers build a strong foundation in financial statement analysis, with practical applications across borders. The volatile global economy makes accurate international financial statement analysis a valuable skill, where insufficient mastery makes precise valuation impossible. International Financial Statement Analysis provides the most up-to-date knowledge, and this workbook offers readers a chance to practice applying that knowledge with carefully constructed problems. Work topic-specific practice problems to facilitate intuitive understanding Review each topic quickly using clear chapter summaries Understand each chapter's objective to avoid missing key information Practice important methods and techniques before applying them in the real world It's impossible to tell how well a subject is mastered without applying the relevant concepts to a real-life situation. Valuation depends upon an accurate financial analysis, and practitioners need a solid grasp of the standards, formats, and documentation they may encounter on the international level. Practice makes perfect, and International Financial Statement Analysis Workbook provides plenty of practice and essential tools for understanding.

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International Financial Statement Analysis Workbook



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João gregorio
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05/05/2020 08:29:18

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