Bryant & May off the Rails: A Peculiar Crimes Unit Mystery (English Edition)

Bryant & May off the Rails: A Peculiar Crimes Unit Mystery (English Edition) Christopher Fowler


Bryant & May off the Rails: A Peculiar Crimes Unit Mystery (English Edition)

Christopher Fowlers Peculiar Crimes Unit novels have been hailed for their originality, suspense, and unforgettable characters. Now Arthur Bryant, John May, and their team of proud eccentrics have been given only one week to hunt down a murderer theyve already caught onceand who is now luring them down into the darkest shadows of the London Underground. The young man they seek is an enigma. His identity is false. His links to society are invisible. A search of his home yields no clues. The Peculiar Crimes Unit knows only this: Somehow Mr. Fox got out of a locked room and killed one of their best and brightest. Facing a shutdown, Bryant and May learn that their man, expertly disguised, has struck again in the worlds oldest subway system. But as their search takes them into the vast labyrinth of tunnels that tie the city together, they discover a fresh mystery as bizarre as anything they have ever faced. . . . As the city blithely goes about its way, as tales of ghost stations and Underground legends emerge, Bryant and May, men of opposite methods, are each getting closer to what lies hidden at the heart of Londons celebrated Tubeand to the madness that is driving their man to murder. Sophisticated, fast-paced, and confounding until its final twist, Bryant & May off the Rails is Christopher Fowler dead on track and at the height of his power to beguile, bewitch, and entertain. BONUS: This edition contains an excerpt from Christopher Fowler's The Memory of Blood. Praise for Bryant & May off the Rails Life always seems livelier whenever Arthur Bryant and John May are on a case.The New York Times Book Review Fowler, like his crime-solvers, is deadpan, sly, and always unexpectedly inventive.Entertainment Weekly

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Bryant & May off the Rails: A Peculiar Crimes Unit Mystery (English Edition)



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