12 Murders Till Christmas

12 Murders Till Christmas Darcie Morin


12 Murders Till Christmas

Every homicide detective's worst nightmare is to get a note that says "I will kill one body a month unless you stop me..." Detectives Nick Rudd and Duncan Crane of the NYPD got that note one cold day in January and they were now being forced with the impossible task of racing against the clock to stop a deranged serial killer from taking out half of New York. With no real victim pattern, no evidence, and nothing to lead them in a solid direction, the detectives were at a loss, but Detective Rudd wouldn't give up.Working around the clock, Nick Rudd was determined to stop this deranged killer and to do that, he had to figure out why they began in the first place. At the same time, he was dealing with his own family problems, and the realization that his best friend and partner, Detective Crane had gone dirty and was now working for the biggest drug lord in New York City. With all that on his plate, it's a wonder he's able to get through the day in one piece, let alone solve a homicide.The only people he can rely on are his sister, Stella who adamantly hates Duncan, and his friend and developing love interest, the medical examiner, Dr. Kate Alexander. If it weren't for the two of them, he'd fall apart completely. Everyone expects Nick to fix things and usually he does, but he often struggles to get through the hard times just as any human would.A Single father of five, a brother, and a detective, Nick Rudd takes his job very seriously, and he's a by the book cop. He loves hard and he will stop at nothing to solve the case. As the victims pile up and Nick is struggling to work the case and keep Duncan from destroying not only his career, but Nick's as well, things hit a little too close to home and Nick is faced with the hardest loss any cop should ever have to deal with. The question is, will he be able to come back from this loss or will it completely shatter him and cost him everything?

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