To die for

To die for Sandra Byrd


To die for (Ladies in Waiting #1)

A Novel of Anne Boleyn

To Die For, is the story of Meg Wyatt, pledged forever as the best friend to Anne Boleyn since their childhoods on neighboring manors in Kent. When Anne’s star begins to ascend, of course she takes her best friend Meg along for the ride. Life in the court of Henry VIII is thrilling at first, but as Anne’s favor rises and falls, so does Meg’s. And though she’s pledged her loyalty to Anne no matter what the test, Meg just might lose her greatest love—and her own life—because of it.
Meg's childhood flirtation with a boy on a neighboring estate turns to true love early on. When he is called to follow the Lord and be a priest she turns her back on both the man and his God. Slowly, though, both woo her back through the heady times of the English reformation. In the midst of it, Meg finds her place in history, her own calling to the Lord that she must follow, too, with consequences of her own. Each character in the book is tested to figure out what love really means, and what, in this life, is worth dying for.

Though much of Meg’s story is fictionalized, it is drawn from known facts. The Wyatt family and the Boleyn family were neighbors and friends, and perhaps even distant cousins. Meg’s brother, Thomas Wyatt, wooed Anne Boleyn and ultimately came very close to the axe blade for it. Two Wyatt sisters attended Anne at her death, and at her death, she gave one of them her jeweled prayer book—Meg.


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To die for


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Resenha postada originalmente no blog Free to be me (http:
on 16/7/11

Sandra Byrd acabou de entrar para a minha lista de autores favoritos. Porque eu ler o primeiro livro e amar pode ser sorte. Mas aí ela resolve escrever um livro de ficção cristã e histórica, ambientado na época em que, nos bastidores da côrte de Henrique VIII, a Reforma Protestante começava a se agitar. (Ficção cristã só porque eu sei que ela escreve livros desse estilo, porque o cristianismo praticamente só aparece relacionado à Reforma.) A narradora é uma mulher de quem eu nunca ouv... leia mais


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Cíntia Mara
cadastrou em:
16/07/2011 12:51:14
Cíntia Mara
editou em:
11/10/2016 19:45:21